Creativity Takes A Back Seat

This summer has been busy in our house(s). My husband took a job north of my hometown, which meant prepping and selling our home, finding somewhere to live in the new city, getting our stuff there, and finding out upon arriving that we will need to find somewhere else to live! (long story… )

So, we’ve been running around this small city, frantically looking for a new home. We have finally found it! 

Our house back home closes this Monday, and we will take possession of our new home later this month. Because we knew we were having to move again, we haven’t really unpacked here. So, we are basically living out of boxes and suitcases. Not exactly convenient, but better than being stuck with nothing at all. 

I have been working on orders, but my creativity has been pushed back quite a bit. We are also in a new timezone, and after three weeks here, still have not adjusted to the change. (it’s only an hour too!) 

Hopefully, settling in a permanent home will be the answer. 

On that note, I hope your summer isn’t nearly as stressful as mine. 😉

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