Reindeer Food

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetI’ve been working furiously on amigurumi orders this week and decided to take a small break for a quick project with my Grumpers. With Christmas Eve being tomorrow, I wanted to start a cute little tradition I know she will love. Santa gets to snack on cookies and milk when he comes to visit, but what about the reindeer?

The supplies are items you may already have in your home. Oats, glitter, construction paper, a jar or container and glue. I tried using regular Elmer’s Clear Glue and Mod Podge to see which worked best, and I preferred the Mod Podge for this project. It dried faster but if time is not an issue, regular glue will work. I found the labels online atΒ and they are absolutely perfect for this project!

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetI also included a candy cane to give my adorable toddler when she has decided she had enough of craft time. πŸ˜‰

So, we set to work. I didn’t measure anything I did. I just added to the bowl until I figured it was enough to fill my jars.

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetI sprinkled my glitter on top and set Grumpers to work stirring. Once she had mixed it all up pretty well, it was time to get it into the jars. I grabbed a funnel, but toddlers don’t always have the best co-ordination, so we did have a spill or two. Luckily, I had pictured this happening, and had put a piece of construction paper down underneath. πŸ˜‰

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetOnce the jars were full, I gave Grumpers her reward so I could glue my labels on the construction paper. I used clear glue on one and Mod Podge on the other. On the Mod Podge one, I glued it down, then added a thin layer over top.

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetThe Mod Podge label dried faster than the other, so I only cut that one out, leaving a bit of the construction paper showing around. I used my tapestry needle to punch a hole through the top, and pulled some red yarn through so I could hang it on my jar.

Reindeer Food | From Home CrochetThis project took about ten minutes to do total with about 15 minutes drying time for the labels. We cannot wait to sprinkle it outside tomorrow night for the reindeer when they bring Santa to our house!

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3 Responses to Reindeer Food

  1. Patti Lekas says:

    my kids were afraid the glitter would make the reindeer sick so we substituted colored sugars and the effect was the same. The reindeer loved it and found our house.

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